Read-a-Card FAQ

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Read-a-Card, simply click on a question to view the answer. Having read the below page if your question has still not been answered please contact us and we will be happy to help.
What is Read-a-Card?

Read-a-Card is a software tool which allows users to easily view a contactless smartcard's unique ID and automatically insert it into text input fields on other applications, helping with the easy integration of RFID technology into new or existing systems. This is sometimes known as a keyboard 'wedge' and replaces similar functions of barcode scanners.

This ability provides obvious integration opportunities in both hardware and software development and is made even more versatile by the capability to set the card ID format you want Read-a-Card to use. The software also allows for the recording of time stamps when a card is presented offering opportunities for event logging in applications such as time recording and access functions.

What information does Read-a-Card allow me to obtain?

Read-a-Card allows the user to obtain the unique ID from many types of contactless cards and tags. By default it is set to copy the card ID to the keyboard buffer when the program is minimised, but this feature can be turned off. You can also set the card ID format you want Read-a-Card to use. This can be Hex Standard, Hex Reversed, Decimal Standard (4 byte), Decimal Reversed (4 byte) or iClass Wiegand (26 bit or 37 bit).

Which readers and cards are compatible with Read-a-Card?

Read-a-Card has been tested to work with various readers that conform to the PC/SC V2.0 standard as well as several other devices. The software reads ID's from all popular contactless card types. Below is a table showing tested readers and their compatibility to different card types:

Mifare 1K Mifare 4K Mifare Ultralite Mifare DESFire 4K I-CODE Nokia NFC 6131 iClass Topaz 125KHz Prox
Omnikey CM5x215 / CR
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes1 Yes2 No No
CM5325 Prox3 No No No No No No No No Yes
SCM SDI0104 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes1 No No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes1 No Yes1 No
Cherry G83-66753 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 Yes1 No Yes1 No No No
ACR120U Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes1 No No No
ACR122U3 Yes Yes Yes Yes1 No Yes1 No Yes1 No
ACR128U3 Yes Yes Yes Yes1 No Yes1 No No No
Gemini 2000 GemTAG x1010IP-X Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes1 No No No

1Cannot determine card type but can read ID

2With CM5321 firmware V5.10 or later Read-a-Card can optionally read the HID application area access control ID rather than unique card ID

3Read-a-Card will not detect unique reader ID.

4Firmware version 7 or higher required.

5The only CM5321 readers that have unique reader IDs are identifiable with "Made in China" on the back label

If your card or reader type is not shown please contact us as the software is continually being updated.

Can Read-a-Card work as a background program?

Yes, Read-a-Card can run in the background on a Windows PC and can insert the serial number that it reads into text input fields on other applications (otherwise known as a keyboard wedge).

Is there a demo version of Read-a-Card available?

Smartcard Focus offers a demo version of Read-a-Card with every contactless smartcard reader and contactless development kit which allows users to run the software as a trial utility for no longer than 30 minutes at a time.

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